"No Blabla" is a series broken down into short segments on the extravagant encounters and adventures of an African migrant, BlaBla, in a fantasy 19th century Africa. Hunted down by the A-Army, the hero draws his weapons: optimism, romantism and artfulness.
Author: François Bergeron
Directed by: François Bergeron, Mouna N'Diaye (24 to 34) (France/Burkina Faso/Senegal, 2023)
Screenplay by: François Bergeron, Basile Yawanké
Cast by: Basile Yawanké (Blabla), KPG Kientega Pingdewindé Gérard (le griot), Hyacinthe Kabré (Le Géant), Éleonore Raichatou Kocty (La Pétillante), Mouna N'Diaye (Mad-Âme)...