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Episode 9
Quebec is in a crisis: there's a shortage of wood for heating. In Montreal, hundreds of children are dying of cold. But the Laurentides are overflowing with timber, Father Labelle profits from the opportunity to show the real importance of the resources available in the North.
Directed by: Yan Lanouette-Turgeon (season 4, Canada, 2019)
Screenplay: Gilles Desjardins, based on Claude-Henri Grignon
Cast: Vincent Leclerc (Séraphin), Sarah-Jeanne Labrosse (Donalda), Maxime Le Flaguais (Alexis), Antoine Bertrand (Antoine Labelle), Rémi-Pierre Paquin (Bidou), Julie Le Breton (Délima), Anne-Élisabeth Bossé (Caroline), Madeleine Péloquin (Angélique), Marie-Éve Milot (Rosa-Rose), Roger Léger (Cyprien), André Kasper (Siffleux), Claude Despins (Jos), Alexis Lefebvre (Jérôme)
Genre: drama