Prix de Lausanne : dans les coulisses des Oscars de la danse
News & Current Affairs

Objectif Monde L'hebdo

( Season 2023 )
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Prix de Lausanne : dans les coulisses des Oscars de la danse
26 min
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Prix de Lausanne: in the wings of the Oscars of dance

It is one of the world's most prestigious dance competitions. Every year, dancers from all five continents vie to participate in the Prix de Lausanne in the hope of winning the jackpot after an intense week of competition. From the first rehearsals to the final, spotlight on these rising talents.
Report by Flore Amos for the RTS television programme 'Mise au point'.

Guests: Flore Amos, journalist at RTS; Jean-Pierre Pastori, journalist, writer, Swiss dance historian.

Presenter: Dominique Laresche.