
Moi j'mange

( Season 2 )
The quest for food independence, consuming less and better, buying local... It's all about becoming ecoresponsible and making your eating habits more environmentally-friendly. Stéphane Bellavance and his colleagues invite us to join him with a whole heap of fabulous recipes and handy hints. Long live plants and local produce!

Presented by: Stéphane Bellavance.
Directed by: Patrice Ouimet (season 2, Canada, 2020)


Une cuisine relax !
Relaxed cooking!

On the menu: crepe soufflé for the brunch, slow-cooked veggie sloppy Joe and chocolate truffles.

Presenter: Stéphane Bellavance.
Director: Patrice Ouimet (season 2, Canada, 2020).
Ce que je trouve à l'épicerie
Raiding the corner shop

On the menu: garnished macaroni, marinated eggs, grilled tofu and oven chips.

Presenter: Stéphane Bellavance.
Director: Patrice Ouimet (season 2, Canada, 2020).