

( Season 2 )
Magloire crosses France but also Canada, Switzerland and Belgium. A journey to spotlight unknown stories, discover the challenges that these French-speakers established around the world face when they leave their country of origin, the accepted sacrifices and the hopes that keep them going.

Presenter: Magloire Delcros-Varaud.
Directors: Yaëlle Benaim, Océane Goanec (season 2, France, 2023)


Soudeh Rad (Iran)
Soudeh Rad (Iran)

Soudeh Rad is a militant queer ecofeminist who condemns the traditional education she received in Iran. After enduring a forced marriage and domestic violence, she fled to France. She took this opportunity to launch a movement called 'Osez le féminisme' ('Dare to be Feminist') and the association 'Spectrum'.

Presenter: Magloire Delcros-Varaud.
Directors: Yaëlle Benaim, Océane Goanec (season 2, France, 2023)