

( Season 12 )
Discovery of the Swiss scientific world! Due to their accessible approach, even the most complicated scientific topics and techniques become easy to understand and appealing.

Presented by: Tania Chytil.


Conduite autonome, la mobilité du futur ?
Self-driving cars, the transport of the future?

We get up-to-date with the technologies involved in self-driving vehicles. How autonomous are today's mass-produced cars? As manufacturers develop increasing levels of driver assistance aimed at offering greater safety, the same systems also cause accidents. Are drivers too trusting of technology?

Presented by: Tania Chytil.
Generation Z: is it really so different?

Generation Z is often presented as being ultra-connected, committed to fighting climate change and demanding in what it expects it terms of work. But is it really so different from the generations that came before?

Presented by: Tania Chytil.