Mortel karma

Mortel karma

No upcoming broadcast (for now).
1 hr 30 min
Available subtitles
Mortal karma

The head of a luxury empire, Pierre Baldini, is savagely assassinated. He was just about to disinherit his only daughter; she finds herself targeted by the police. Gréco needs to keep a cool head in this case which takes her back in time.

Directed by: Christophe Douchand (season 3, France, 2022)
Screenplay by: Éliane Montane, Thomas Mansuy, based on Agatha Christie's works
Cast: Arthur Dupont (Max Beretta), Émilie Gavois-Kahn (Annie Gréco), Chloé Chaudoye (Rose Bellecour), Benoît Moret (Jacques Blum), Quentin Baillot (Servan Legoff), Nicolas Lumbreras (Bob), Lola Aubrière (Jade), Jérôme Pouly (Charles), Lukas Ionesco (Benji)
Genre: detective
Awards: Luchon Festival people's award for a fiction series (2022)