Médecin de campagne

Médecin de campagne

No upcoming broadcast (for now).
1 hr 38 min
Available subtitles
The only local GP in this rural area, Jean-Pierre has devoted his life to his patients. Day and night, seven days a week, he examines them, cares for them and reassures them. When he in turn falls ill, he has enormous difficulty in finding someone to replace him...

Directed by: Thomas Lilti (France, 2015)
Screenplay: Thomas Lilti, Baya Kasmi
Cast: François Cluzet (Jean-Pierre Werner), Marianne Denicourt (Nathalie Delezia), Isabelle Sadoyan (Werner´s mother), Félix Moati (Vincent Werner), Christophe Odent (Norès), Patrick Descamps (Maroini), Guy Faucher (Mr Sorlin), Ninon (Margaux Fabre)
Genre: comedy drama
Awards: nominated as best actor for the César awards 2017 (François Cluzet)