Mauvaise troupe

Mauvaise troupe

No upcoming broadcast (for now).
25 min
Available subtitles
Tony is a single father, working nights to bring up his two young children. Together the three of them have found a delicate balance that enables them to survive, until the day the social services ring the doorbell.

Directed by: Nolwenn Lemesle (France, 2021)
Screenplay by: Nolwenn Lemesle, Ronan Bertrand
Cast: Guillaume Gouix (Tony), Zélie Boulant-Lemesle (Gaëlle), Lino Boulant-Lemesle (Kylian)
Genre: drama
Awards: Arte award at the FIFF (Belgium, 2021); selected for the IndieCork festival (Ireland, 2021)