Martin Roumagnac
No upcoming broadcast (for now).
In a small provincial town, Blanche Ferrand hopes to marry a rich consul, Mr de Laubry, whose wife is seriously ill. One evening, at a boxing match, she meets Martin Roumagnac, head of a building company, who falls madly in love with her. And so begins a passionate love affaire...
Directed by: Georges Lacombe (France, 1946, black and white)
Based on the novel by Pierre-René Wolf.
Cast: Jean Gabin (Martin Roumagnac), Marlene Dietrich (Blanche Ferrand), Daniel Gélin (the school assistant), Margo Lion (Jeanne Roumagnac), Lucien Nat (Rimbaut), Jean Darcante (the lawyer), Henri Poupon (Gargame), Jean d'Yd (the uncle), Marcel Herrand (Mr de Laubry)
Genre: drama