La chambre noire

La chambre noire

No upcoming broadcast (for now).
1 hr 30 min
Available subtitles
The Darkroom

Two models are murdered, just days apart. Initial evidence direct Gréco towards a women's magazine and its infamous photographer. But when a third victim is found she's taken off the case, replaced by a star of the Parisian police. Offended, Gréco resigns, but continues investigating unofficially, with Max and Rose...

Directed by: Nicolas Picard-Dreyfuss (season 3, France, 2020)
Screenplay, adaptation, dialogue: Thomas Mansuy, Éliane Montane, based on the works by Agatha Christie
Cast: Arthur Dupont (Max Beretta), Émilie Gavois-Kahn (Annie Gréco), Chloé Chaudoye (Rose Bellecour), Quentin Baillot (Servan Legoff), Benoît Moret (Jacques Blum), Christèle Tual (Barbara Bellecour), Grégoire Oestermann (Arnaud Bellecour), Loïc Legendre (PVK), Jérôme Kircher (François Seban), Aggy K. Adams (Jane Malory), Natalia Dontcheva (Ève Laverne)
Genre: detective