L'année du requin

L'année du requin

No upcoming broadcast (for now).
1 hr 23 min
Available subtitles
Maja, member of the Landes maritime police force, is reluctantly nearing retirement. But the disappearance of a holidaymaker has the entire coast on alert: a shark has been seen in the bay! Helped by her young colleagues Eugénie and Blaise, Maja seizes the opportunity for one last case.

Directed by: Ludovic Boukherma, Zoran Boukherma (France, 2021)
Screenplay by: Ludovic Boukherma, Zoran Boukherma
Cast: Marina Foïs (Maja), Kad Merad (Thierry), Jean-Pascal Zadi (Blaise), Christine Gautier (Eugénie), Ludovic Torrent (Sébastien), Philippe Prevost (the manager), Jean Boronat (Ruben), Jean-Jacques Bernede (Dominique)
Genre: action