Jusqu'à ce que la mort nous sépare
No upcoming broadcast (for now).
Until death do us part
Two women, murdered just a few weeks apart, were on the books of the same marriage bureau. Hoping to trap the murderer, Annie signs-up at the agency and accepts a dinner invitation from any suspicious potential suitor. Meanwhile Rose discovers that Max is a regular client of the same bureau...
Directed by: Nicolas Picard-Dreyfuss (season 3, France, 2021)
Screenplay by: Flore Kosinetz and Hélène Lombard, based on Agatha Christie
Cast: Arthur Dupont (Max Beretta), Émilie Gavois-Kahn (Annie Gréco), Chloé Chaudoye (Rose Bellecour), Benoît Moret (Jacques Blum), Quentin Baillot (Servan Legoff), Nicolas Lumbreras (Bob), Michel Lerousseau (François), Lysiane Meis (Lisa), Maryne Bertieaux (Sarah Legoupil), Luis Inacio (Denis Marchais)
Genre: thriller